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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Vote Your Faith

For those who feel that our, and by our I mean Christians, have had no influence or currently do not have any profound effect on our nation, should read the article.  Lets not forget that the Lord moves his hand over politics as well.

Vote Your Faith

The past few years have shown that evangelical-Christian voter turnout has a huge impact on our culture. It’s estimated that there are about sixty million evangelical Christians in America. During the four elections between 1992–2002, the number of voting Christians declined. In 2002, however, something sparked an interest and polls showed a 2% increase in Christian voter turnout. As a result, 36 of the 54 new House members were pro-life, pro-faith, and pro-family (67%). Likewise were 8 of the 10 new Senators (80%).

In 2004, the trend continued with a 93% rise in Christians voting! That dramatic increase gave pro-life candidates huge majorities in the House and Senate. In fact, 25 of the 40 new House members were pro-life (63%) and 7 of the 9 new Senators were pro-life, pro-faith, and pro-family (77%). 

What impact did this have? Historian David Barton summarizes: "The result was the congressional enactment of the first four major stand-alone pro-life laws since 
Roe v. Wade: the Infants Born Alive Protection Act, the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban, and the Fetal Farming Ban...Furthermore, the addition of so many new pro-life Senators resulted in the confirmation of two new pro-life Supreme Court Justices and dozens of pro-life court of appeals and federal district court judges."

But in 2006, something 
changed. While 92.5% of homosexual men and 91% of lesbian women voted, there was a 30% drop in Christians voting. What happened as a result? Only 17 of the 54 new House members were pro-life (30%) and only 1 of the 10 new Senators was (10%). The Baltimore Sun reported that America voted in "the most pro-choice Congress in the history of the Republic."

In short, Congress never reflects the values of the nation; rather, it only reflects the values of those who voted in the last election. When a Christian votes according to biblical convictions, it makes a huge difference! 

CSE encourages you to exercise your Christian civic duty and vote for your pro-life, pro-faith, and pro-family candidates and issues on November 4!

For more details and information:

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Anonymous said...

Amen, vote for McCain!

Joe Sirianni said...

Excellent article, thanks Steve
