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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Does Teaching Evolution as Fact Harm Anyone?

"I am prepared to fight and die for my cause, . . . I, as a natural selector, will eliminate all who I see unfit, disgraces of human race and failures of natural selection. No, the truth is that I am just an animal, a human, an individual, a dissident . . . . It’s time to put NATURAL SELECTION & SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST back on tracks!"

The above quote comes from a young man who was a self-proclaimed Social Darwinist who took it upon himself to end the lives of at least eight people at Jokela High School near Helsinki, Finland

This is just one of many many examples today of how evolutionary thinking can effect one's way of how he/she lives their lives.

Our prayers go out to all those who lost loved ones in this incident and many other incidents that aren't even making headline news due to their frequent occurrences.

Read the rest of the article at the link below:

Finland School Shootings: The Sad Evolution Connection


Anonymous said...

This is very sad. My heart goes out to the parent and family of those affected.
With that said, evolutionary thinking is not to blame here... The subject that a person chooses to proclaim as the reason for their action does not in and of itself condemn that subject. To state that it does is nothing other than a fear tactic. If we could just condemn a subject like that, then we would have condemned god long ago. History is littered with atrocities committed in the name of god (lowercased because the true God obviously was not involved). What is to blame here is a person devoid of God in their life.

Joe Sirianni said...

I respectfully disagree and I'm sure the families of the six million Jews that Hitler killed would disagree as well. Hitler valued Darwin's books, he was only doing what Darwin taught.

Hitler believed he was fulfilling evolutionary objectives by eliminating "undesirable individuals and inferior races" in order to produce Germany's "Master Race"

And what about Mussolini? There is a long line..............

There is a huge list who's lives where shaped by evolutionary thinking. And many other's suffered under their hands as a result.

Anonymous said...

That logic does not make any sense to me. In the same way, there have been many people who have acted in the name of God to do some horrible things in the past too. Going by your logic, we would have to condemn God too. How does that make any sense.