Verse Of The Day

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Shocking Youth Message Stuns Hearers

This video blew me away! The video was sent to me by my good friend and brother in the faith Keith from KidsPeace. This was a truly shocking and convicting message that spoke to me immensely. This man of God, without a doubt, has challenged me to avoid living with one foot in the kingdom of Heaven and one foot in the world. One of the major truths in the video is if we are Christians and we are supposed to be different, why then do we look, act, listen and watch everything else the world does? Listen to some of the staggering statistics he puts out. I recommend a book I have just read called "UnChristian" for more staggering statistics. As a Christian, this is a major wake up call to me.

"At one point in this sermon the 5,000 Youth are clapping and yelling BUT THEN the preacher makes a comment that CHANGES THE WHOLE ATMOSPHERE TO WHERE YOU COULD HAVE HEARD A PIN DROP... As you can imagine, the preacher was never invited back"

I guarantee you I will watch this video several more times until this message sinks in and speaks to the very soul within me. And as King David forced his soul to praise and place it's hope in God so I will force my soul to listen and understand these things and the things of God.

I urge you if you can, plug some headphones in at work if you are allowed to listen to something and just minimize it on the screen and listen. I guarantee you this message will change you. If it doesn't then I would ask you to "examine yourself" as Paul the Apostle said "to see if you are in the faith". I realize this may offend some but the fact of the matter is if God is in this, then the presence of God is in your hearing and every true believer knows that when you are in the presence of God it's impossible to remain unchanged.

I can honestly say it's been a long time since a message like this has come along and moved me in this manner. I would love to hear your comments on this. Do you think he (the pastor) was right in preaching what he did?


Chris Engler said...

Joe - I'm going to post this on my blog too. I hope everyone I know takes the time to watch this. - Chris

Chris Engler said...

Ok, I’ve been thinking about this message a lot. This message comes off a little like a Jehovah’s Witness’ belief in ‘works’ (I know because I used to be a JW).

Yes, it is true that your life should change once you invite Jesus into your heart. However, you can accept Jesus into your heart the second before you die (if you have a true heart-felt repenting) and He will forgive you and accept you into Heaven. Reference: Luke 23:42-43.

I thought this was important to point out and keep in mind for people who watch this.

Anonymous said...

This message is so true.... so true! I am no Christian by this measure. ... Lets be real here; 90% of so-called Christians I know are no Christians by this measure ... What a waist of time it is to go to church and make partial sacrifices to be sudo-christians. Being a true Christian is about being 100% committed to a Christian lifestyle ... anything less is just a waist of time and energy. We may as well take full advantage of a worldly lifestyle and sin to our heart content because our reward is the same. If our reward is the same, it makes no sense making the sacrifices to be a sudo-christian... no sense at all.

This message sure does make you think ... In all honesty, I am not sure where I stand at this point.