E.L. Wallace, a man who served twice as president of the Natural History Society of British Columbia said:
"My examination of the monster was quite thorough. I felt in its mouth and found
it had no teeth. Its head is large and its neck fully twenty feet long. The body
is weak and the tail is only three feet in length from the end of the backbone.
These facts do away with the whale theory, as the backbone of a whale is far
larger than any bone in this animal. Again, its tail is too weak for an animal
of the deep and does away with that last version. "With a bill like it
possesses, it must have lived on herbage . . . I would call it a type of
I also told you all that I would do a post on the TRex blood cells found in fresh bones in 1990. I will supply a link to one of the hundreds of stories written on the find and also incorporate a cool video on the topic. And I will also note once again that the find further shows how the evolutionary theory is one of the greatest hindrances to science that man has ever known. I say this because some who have examined the TRex are stunned as to how red blood cells could have survived for 65 million years.
"Bones, of course, don’t stay fresh very long—certainly not for millions of
years. These discoveries clearly indicate that dinosaurs were around
recently". - Dr. Robert Doolan
They are baffled at this! Not for once contemplating that maybe there is a possibility that it's not 65 million years old and falls perfectly in line with a young earth which is what the bible has stated all along. Note to evolutionists: "TAKE THE EVOLUTIONARY GOGGLES OFF AND GO WHERE THE EVIDENCE TAKES YOU!" It is also by no means a stretch to say that there could possibly be dinosaurs still among us today. There are countless harmonious sightings all over the world. In addition there are remote places in the world (like the remote jungles of the Republic of the Congo, in central western Africa) that haven't even been explored yet due to their vast size. http://www.answersingenesis.org/creation/v15/i4/dinosaurs.asp
We are uncovering new species all the time. Most of the dinosaurs fossils found are from small dinosaurs the size of chickens. The percentage escapes me at this time but it's a fairly large percent.
Moore's Beach Monster: Article & Pics (Note the head shots of the unmistakable plesiosaurus)
TRex Blood Cells Found: Article
Moore's Beach Monster: Article & Pics (Note the head shots of the unmistakable plesiosaurus)
TRex Blood Cells Found: Article
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