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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Prosperity Gospel - Away with it! (Video)

Update:  I think I made the assumption that most of the readers understood what the "Prosperity Gospel" is and teaches.   This is a false teaching among a number of denominations and churches that points people to "becoming rich" rather than following Christ and suffering for his names sake.  Learn more here and here

Pastor John Piper speaks a few profound words on his thoughts on the prosperity gospel being preached in so many "churches" in our day.  John Piper wrote a book, among many others, that I try to read at least once or twice a year, it's called "Desiring God" and I highly recommend it.   He is most famous for his quote "God is most glorified in me when I am most satisfied in him"  Enjoy the video.

1 comment:

Joe Sirianni said...

This posting seems to have struck a note with some. However I stand by it with all of my heart. Piper is dead on when it comes to portraying his passion for the way a false teaching is dragging millions away from the truth, being enticed with material wealth. Who wouldn't want a gospel that teaches no suffering, and doesn't address sin and claims you can have big houses and fancy cars? My bible seems to say differently however. Here's some feedback on the posting from others who I have asked to comment on what they initially thought when they read the post and watched the video

- Hey Joe,
I watched the video. I had never heard of the prosperity gospel but from what I can tell it's pretty absurd. I don't think the video is too harsh, though certainly people who aren't saved might not get it. But better for them to hear that Jesus doesn't make you rich in a slightly harsh way then to be deceived by something else. I think the little disclaimer you have on there is good. Maybe if you wanted to add a little more explanation that would help. (This is coming from a friend of the family who attends our church)

- I know that there is a preacher down south, I believe his name is Joel O'steen that preaches that type of message. I never agreed with it myself. Never did I read anywhere in God's word that he wanted his followers to be rich. All he promises in Matthew 6 is that we need not worry and that our needs would be taken care of. (this comes from a family member)

- Hey bro: prosperity gospel? No way, that was a great video. Love it when Piper gets all fired up! He's right on the money. . .and
biblical! (this feedback comes from a pastor and good friend of mine)

- Hey man, Interesting post. Yes it's harsh, I think that it swings the penjulum back the other way that doesn't acknowledge when God blesses us, but certainly counteracts that DANGEROUS "Name it and claim it" or "Health and Wealth" gospel. It's known more by those cliché names than as "The Prosperity Gospel" but seconds into the vids you learn that. I do like Piper (this comment comes from a friend of mine)