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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Is The Grand Canyon Proof Of Noah's Flood?

Here's another great article from CSE on the Grand Canyon to strengthen your faith and the apologetic in you. Granted, the Grand Canyon doesn't always come up in many debates I have with people, I sometimes like to bring it up to them in order to make them question what they believe. I love watching the puzzled look on people when I ask them certain questions about evolution. When they say "I don't know" make sure your quick to point out there faith in it. They don't know how something happened but they believe it anyway? This is Christianity against their religion evolutionism. I'm always quick to tell and show them that Christianity is a faith based on evidence not blind faith. There is plenty of proof and evidence for Jesus, the bible and creation. Enjoy

Two people can often look at the same thing and come to opposite conclusions. The Grand Canyon is a perfect example. Evolutionists use it as proof that the earth is billions of years old, claiming that the Colorado River carved the canyon over millions of years. Bible-believing Christians interpret the canyon as a spillway from Noah's Flood. One believes it formed slowly, with a little water and a lot of time. The other believes it formed quickly, with a lot of water and a little time. What a stark difference.

If the Bible is true, and the earth is only about six thousand years old, we should find evidence that debunks the evolutionist theory about the Grand Canyon. We do. For example, the top of Grand Canyon is over four thousand feet higher than where the Colorado River enters the canyon, meaning it would have had to flow uphill for millions of years. Additionally, in contrast to all other rivers, we do not find a delta (a place where washed-out mud is deposited). This alone makes the evolutionist interpretation impossible.

The evidence does, however, point to Noah's Flood. Today, we see two beach lines from what used to be two large lakes near the Grand Canyon. Creationists believe that after Noah's Flood, the lakes got too full and spilled over the top. When water overflows a dam, the weakest point is instantly eroded. Thus, the Grand Canyon would have been formed quickly, supporting the creationist interpretation.

So, which interpretation is right? Knowing that rivers don't flow uphill and no leftover sedimentary deposits are found, evolutionists have a lot of explaining to do when it comes to the Grand Canyon. The Bible, however, says that a flood covered the whole earth (see Genesis 7:18-20). This means we should find places where the water drained. The Grand Canyon is one of those places. It is a washed-out spillway and provides great evidence for Noah's Flood.


Jonathan said...

That was great. He has a great wit to himself and a great handling on the facts. Kudos!
BTW the light blue can be tough to read on GReader.

Joe Sirianni said...

Yeah I wish they would keep the original background from the blog when placing these in RSS Readers. I'll keep that in mind though. Thanks

Joe Sirianni said...

Jon? Are you using your PC to read these or your Tilt?


Walking Man said...

There's no Colorado delta?

Hovind must know this, he studied it for 15 years.

I studied Google for 15 seconds: