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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Evolution - The Missing Link To Abortion

Thirty-five years ago this week, America joined the ranks of nations engaging in the genocide of its own people. In 1973 the U.S. Supreme Court launched an all-out assault, this time not on a religious or ethnic group, but on victims with no voice, no defense, and no allies. It marks the day that, under the pretense of privacy, the womb became an unfair battlefield for the unborn.

The beginning of America’s toleration for abortion can be traced back to the mid-1800s. It was in 1860 that German college professor Ernst Haeckel, just finishing Darwin’s Origin of the Species, left his physician practice for the study of embryology. So convinced by what he read, Haeckel became one of the most zealous advocates of Darwinism in the nineteenth century.

Nine years later, with no real evidence for evolution, Haeckel devised sketched charts of human developmental stages. By 1875, Haeckel was convicted of fraud in a trial held by his own university. There he admitted to faking his drawings in an attempt to show similarities between the human embryo and that of animals. But today, many biology textbooks still include these charts, purposefully deceiving thousands of students, with no mention of their fraudulent history.

Despite Haeckel's conviction, his drawings paved the way for the murdering of the unborn. If a human life is nothing more than an animal, it’s no wonder the textbooks refer to the unborn as a mere “blob of tissue.” Haeckel’s sacred cow of evolution is the well-hidden and underlying missing link to abortion.

America often mourns the horror of September 11, 2001 when nearly three thousand lives were tragically taken, yet keeps silent as more than four thousand lives are stolen each day through this evolution-influenced terrorism called abortion. We protest the casualties of war—yet turn our heads away from the 50 million innocent victims of Roe v. Wade. As Christians continue to stand on the sidelines, the Bible is unwavering; God ordained each of us in the womb (Jeremiah 1:5). Christians, it’s time to take a stand –it’s time for a change.

For more ways evolution deceives society and its impact on our world, view Lies in the Textbooks and The Dangers of Evolution from our Creation Seminar Series.



Chris Engler said...

What is really sad is when women that have had an abortion done finally come to grips on what they did. I've talked to several women about this and each one of them have wondered how God could ever forgive them (I reassured them that He certainly does). The abortion clinics don't really show women the stats of how many women go on to regret their decision do they?

Joe Sirianni said...

I would think not. Here's some stats from and some emotions woman can feel after an abortion.

I also read many articles on the affects of woman after an abortion. I believe if woman were told what they can expect "after" the abortion and on through life I think most of them might reconsider.

Statistics on abortion:

After the abortion:


Joe Sirianni said...

Is anyone having trouble viewing this video?

Elizabete said...

If there is ever a subject that I really get upset about it's this one. My heart breaks for each and every baby that does not get a chance of life outside the womb. I remember having to write a paper on this subject in H.S. and that is when my eyes were truly opened. The measures that are used and have been used in the past to "kill" these babies are so horrible!! I can't understand how anyone can go ahead with something like this.
When I was pregnant with my son I was a young 19 years old & not married...and all I heard from the other side of the family was abortion. I had my son and he is now 10 years old & I can't imagine my life without him. His family members that were pushing the idea at the time, LOVE HIM!! They would have missed out on this wonderful boy if I would have done what they asked of me. My second pregnancy at age 28 with my husband Joe, our daughter was diagnosed with Heart Disease. Again all we heard was abortion from several doctors. Once again for me (and my husband) abortion was not an option. We have a beautiful little 2 year old girl who is full of joy & loves her brother!
I do believe that being more informed in this topic is extremely beneficial to any women that is pregnant and considering this "option". Sadly I've had friends in the past that did go through with abortion despite me begging them not to. Years later, my one friend (who has other children) still counts the years on how old her one child would be today if she had not had the abortion.
It's a sad a tragic ending for a baby with no voice to speak up...and a sad lifetime for the women that decides to go through with it.
Liz Sirianni & Family