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Thursday, April 8, 2010

5 Questions Every Atheist MUST Answer

I think these are fair and intelligent questions which I rarely hear answered. I can only think of a handful of people who have attempted to answer them in a few debates I have listened to. They usually claim it's a societal thing. But I think the video calls that notion into account as well. What do you think? How can Atheism account for such things?


Christian Darwinist who probably should spend less time on this site said...

I found this on a non-Youtube site, and thus have no filter problems. I will respond to the first question because that is an argument about evolution.

Evolutionists believe that chance drives things, but not in the way the video implies. You don’t need monkeys to randomly type out Hamlet, not even on the 10^153 try. That’s not how it works, and that’d be ludicrous, but that’s what the video’s creator implies we’re putting forward. No. Very gradual change.

We see that chance leads to many variations in living, just in what we can observe today in nature. And we see that those variations can accumulate and effect change, as it has been intelligently driven by breeding of animals like dogs. We purposely specialized dog breeds to certain tasks: rat killers, hunting dogs, herding dogs, etc. It takes no grate leap of faith to believe in certain very small, very gradual changes happen in nature. Some are detrimental, others give no distinct advantage, but others do cause some advantage, and some of those advantages can be passed on in the genes. It really takes no stretch of the imagination to believe this. And, when given enough time, advantages that are passed on genetically VERY slowly cause variation in species. When I realized how reasonable this was, I first began to question Creationism.

I feel the second point fails to understand the intelligent atheist who probably has some sense of humility before science. Such an atheist probably understands that, in Einstein’s words, all of today’s science is still “primitive and childlike” compared to the great breadth of undiscovered, unrevealed truths. If he can’t explain why matter & energy exist, exactly where they came from, he won’t lose sleep.

I just feel that the video tries so hard to understand atheists (and evolutionists), but it really misses it and fowls up.

And, Joe, you are not going to win atheists by appealing to reason. Test for yourself if what I'm now saying isn't true. It’s got to be a work of the spirit. What we believe is foolishness to those perishing. When Paul came to the Corinthians, he came “not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power” and “decided to know nothing among [them] except Jesus Christ and him crucified” (From 1 Cor 2, ESL). If you preach evolution/creation, you will fall short. Preach the cross! Preach Christ! He is everything!

Joe Sirianni said...


Can you show me in the scriptures where it supports, states or implies that God used evolution to bring about his creation all the way up to the existence of Adam himself?

Please give the supporting scriptures.



love laughter peace said...

wish this video was still available to see. I have so many Athiest friends who take such hard stances on athiesm that I'd love to share some food for thought with.

Joe Sirianni said...

Yeah, sorry. It looks like the owner took it down.

Don't worry, the post is about 15 months old and no atheist has provided a legitimate answer to the reasonable questions. The "Christian Darwinist" above has compromised what the Scriptures teach and have failed to provide biblical passages that support the claim that God used the cruel means of evolution (death, mutation, disease etc) to bring about his creation and then say "it was very good". For that matter, he can't even provide one single indisputable and obvious fossil that shows one kind of animal turning into a completely different kind ie how the frog got to the polar bear, the giraffe etc. Let alone teach that it happened by accident and random chances over millions of years ago.
