Here's a little tidbit put out by Way Of The Master Ministries. I hope it will cause many to think about things such as Heaven and Hell. It's a shame at how many people just sweep the subject under the carpet and "hope" that there is no Hell or that neither of them exist all without doing some kind of an inductive study on the topic. If one would just research the evidence for the reliability of the bible, or the evidence for the resurrection etc they just might find something they have never ever considered before, that Jesus Christ is real and can be pursued in a relationship. And regarding Hell, well if Jesus was and is a real person and his claims of hell are accurate in the scriptures which are extremely reliable, then Hell is a real place that was prepared for the "Devil and his angels". Hell was not meant for you and I but all of those who reject salvation is like the man who is hanging off the side of the cliff and rejects the rope that is handed down to him which can save him.
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