How Did Noah Fit All The "Species" On The Ark
Whenever I debate people, this question is always sure to follow. It's actually quite a good question. The only problem is the individuals presuppositions when asking it. You see, the media has fed many the notion and picture of an overcrowded small boat with various animals such as the Giraffe with his/her head hanging over the rail. However, nothing could have been further from the truth. Listen in as Eric Hovind shows that while today's scientist refer to the many diverse animal groups as "species" God always referred to them as "kinds" If one studies the dimensions of the ark - you can see that it had more than enough room to support the original "kinds" and Noah's family.
Have you read the Scientific American article since you first posted this video last year?
Would you like to read a copy, to get a clearer idea of what it actually said?
Thank you very much
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