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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Big Bang 2? - What Happened?

I also said I would follow up on the LHC experiment for you guys. Here are quick commentaries from AIG for you regarding the initial findings. Glad to say no black holes were produced and nothing was sucked in. I will definitely be following this experiment in the media and hope that it reveals some interesting facts which further support creation and God's word, and expose the big bang theory for what it is, a fairy tale and an attempt to erase the Author, Creator and Perfecter of our faith and bring Glory to man, as though God would even allow something like that to occur.


The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator, was switched on for the first time this week amid reports it will either re-create the big bang or create world-devouring black holes. So which is it?

Thankfully for residents of earth, rumors of dangerous black holes have been strongly dismissed by physicists, although lawsuits against the LHC are pending in the European Court of Human Rights and in the U.S. state of Hawaii. Meanwhile, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), parent to the LHC, is eager to begin the full-energy proton–proton collisions the LHC was built for following fine-tuning over the next several months.

The idea behind the 17-mile-long (27 km) circular LHC is to fire two proton beams at one another. Over one thousand magnets in the structure cooperate to accelerate the beams to very, very close to the speed of light; then, at predetermined locations, the beams intersect and individual protons collide. Specialized detectors near these locations will look for interesting subatomic physics, including searching for the much-ballyhooed Higgs boson. That elusive particle, theorized but never observed, will—if detected—explain to physicists “why matter has mass.”

But will such experiments prove the big bang and undo creationist cosmologies? Only in the minds of those who already believe in the big bang! For a closer look at the operation, experiments, rumored dangers, and possible conclusions of the LHC, see this week’s article A Miniature Big Bang or More Hot Air?

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