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Monday, July 28, 2008

Can TV Be An Idle? Absolutely!

This has caused me to think deeply the next time I turn on the TV. There is great truth in this even though many will say "what's the big deal?" Did not the Lord say "Be Holy therefore, because I am Holy"? And the scripture say "I shall set no wicked thing before my eyes"? So why then would I watch something that will blaspheme the name of my Savior? Though I don't watch too much TV due to a hefty work schedule and a large reading pile ahead of me, when I do, I'm deeply convicted of wasting God's valuable time which we are to be good stewards of. Don't get me wrong, I think there are a lot of great spiritual and educational programming on TV. I guess what I'm referring to are the shows which add no value to your walk with Christ and in fact down right pull you away from Him. Any thoughts?


Anonymous said...

My thought is that Jesus didn't put himself in a bubble so neither should we. Of course there is a limit... But in general, if you put yourself in a bubble you won't be able to relate to the general population's real world experiences. In my opinion, it is important to be around the world, to understand it enough to bring others to God. The is what jesus did... he did not aviod being around compromising situations in order to bring others to his message.

In my view, viewing compromising TV shows should be done for the educational value... but not for enjoyment.

Matt said...

Thank you for your post, I actually posted the same video a short time ago. As True Christians (1 John 1:5-7) than our lives are to be a passionate pursuit of Holiness (Romans 12:1-2). It is not about putting yourself in a bubble, it is about our lives reflecting the righteousness of Jesus Christ as we live in this world with an eternal perspective of what He did on the cross (2 Cor 5:18-21). "Others can, we cannot" Be blessed (