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Support Our Dear Friend And Brother Nelson Domingues
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Moore's Beach Monster - Santa Cruz, California

E.L. Wallace, a man who served twice as president of the Natural History Society of British Columbia said:
"My examination of the monster was quite thorough. I felt in its mouth and found
it had no teeth. Its head is large and its neck fully twenty feet long. The body
is weak and the tail is only three feet in length from the end of the backbone.
These facts do away with the whale theory, as the backbone of a whale is far
larger than any bone in this animal. Again, its tail is too weak for an animal
of the deep and does away with that last version. "With a bill like it
possesses, it must have lived on herbage . . . I would call it a type of
I also told you all that I would do a post on the TRex blood cells found in fresh bones in 1990. I will supply a link to one of the hundreds of stories written on the find and also incorporate a cool video on the topic. And I will also note once again that the find further shows how the evolutionary theory is one of the greatest hindrances to science that man has ever known. I say this because some who have examined the TRex are stunned as to how red blood cells could have survived for 65 million years.
"Bones, of course, don’t stay fresh very long—certainly not for millions of
years. These discoveries clearly indicate that dinosaurs were around
recently". - Dr. Robert Doolan
They are baffled at this! Not for once contemplating that maybe there is a possibility that it's not 65 million years old and falls perfectly in line with a young earth which is what the bible has stated all along. Note to evolutionists: "TAKE THE EVOLUTIONARY GOGGLES OFF AND GO WHERE THE EVIDENCE TAKES YOU!" It is also by no means a stretch to say that there could possibly be dinosaurs still among us today. There are countless harmonious sightings all over the world. In addition there are remote places in the world (like the remote jungles of the Republic of the Congo, in central western Africa) that haven't even been explored yet due to their vast size.
We are uncovering new species all the time. Most of the dinosaurs fossils found are from small dinosaurs the size of chickens. The percentage escapes me at this time but it's a fairly large percent.
Moore's Beach Monster: Article & Pics (Note the head shots of the unmistakable plesiosaurus)
TRex Blood Cells Found: Article
Moore's Beach Monster: Article & Pics (Note the head shots of the unmistakable plesiosaurus)
TRex Blood Cells Found: Article
Shocking Youth Message Stuns Hearers
This video blew me away! The video was sent to me by my good friend and brother in the faith Keith from KidsPeace. This was a truly shocking and convicting message that spoke to me immensely. This man of God, without a doubt, has challenged me to avoid living with one foot in the kingdom of Heaven and one foot in the world. One of the major truths in the video is if we are Christians and we are supposed to be different, why then do we look, act, listen and watch everything else the world does? Listen to some of the staggering statistics he puts out. I recommend a book I have just read called "UnChristian" for more staggering statistics. As a Christian, this is a major wake up call to me.
"At one point in this sermon the 5,000 Youth are clapping and yelling BUT THEN the preacher makes a comment that CHANGES THE WHOLE ATMOSPHERE TO WHERE YOU COULD HAVE HEARD A PIN DROP... As you can imagine, the preacher was never invited back"
I guarantee you I will watch this video several more times until this message sinks in and speaks to the very soul within me. And as King David forced his soul to praise and place it's hope in God so I will force my soul to listen and understand these things and the things of God.
I urge you if you can, plug some headphones in at work if you are allowed to listen to something and just minimize it on the screen and listen. I guarantee you this message will change you. If it doesn't then I would ask you to "examine yourself" as Paul the Apostle said "to see if you are in the faith". I realize this may offend some but the fact of the matter is if God is in this, then the presence of God is in your hearing and every true believer knows that when you are in the presence of God it's impossible to remain unchanged.
I can honestly say it's been a long time since a message like this has come along and moved me in this manner. I would love to hear your comments on this. Do you think he (the pastor) was right in preaching what he did?
"At one point in this sermon the 5,000 Youth are clapping and yelling BUT THEN the preacher makes a comment that CHANGES THE WHOLE ATMOSPHERE TO WHERE YOU COULD HAVE HEARD A PIN DROP... As you can imagine, the preacher was never invited back"
I guarantee you I will watch this video several more times until this message sinks in and speaks to the very soul within me. And as King David forced his soul to praise and place it's hope in God so I will force my soul to listen and understand these things and the things of God.
I urge you if you can, plug some headphones in at work if you are allowed to listen to something and just minimize it on the screen and listen. I guarantee you this message will change you. If it doesn't then I would ask you to "examine yourself" as Paul the Apostle said "to see if you are in the faith". I realize this may offend some but the fact of the matter is if God is in this, then the presence of God is in your hearing and every true believer knows that when you are in the presence of God it's impossible to remain unchanged.
I can honestly say it's been a long time since a message like this has come along and moved me in this manner. I would love to hear your comments on this. Do you think he (the pastor) was right in preaching what he did?
The Gap Theory - Compliment Or Contradiction to Scripture?
The Gap Theory in my opinion and the opinion of most of the biblical scholars who's work I have read is one of the biggest compromises of scripture in order to "accommodate" mans secular ideas ever proposed. I find it shocking how this teaching directly contradicts scripture and how God said he did it. The biggest thing they seem to forget is that "scripture interprets scripture". In Exodus 20 (a considerable amount of time after Genesis) God said "For in six days the Lord made Heaven and Earth, the sea, and all that in them is" He then goes on to say he "rested on the seventh day" Wow! if a day is a million years that would be some rest huh? I would love to tell my boss "hey I'll be back in a million, I'm taking a little break from work.
And since those who profess to be Christians want to obey Christ (Matt 28:20) and since we who follow Jesus are Little Christ, Christ Followers, or one who is in Christ etc.... we should obey all that Jesus taught should we not? So then if Jesus quotes the old testament and believed it literally, shouldn't we? Jesus spoke about creation a number of times as well as the other authors of the new testament. And Jesus said "my words will never pass away" A list of old testament quotes being quoted in the new testament -
CSE has a couple of great articles they released in which one I will link to here and one in another post. Comments are welcome. Enjoy the quick video if you don't have time to read the article.
The Gap Theory: Article & Video
And since those who profess to be Christians want to obey Christ (Matt 28:20) and since we who follow Jesus are Little Christ, Christ Followers, or one who is in Christ etc.... we should obey all that Jesus taught should we not? So then if Jesus quotes the old testament and believed it literally, shouldn't we? Jesus spoke about creation a number of times as well as the other authors of the new testament. And Jesus said "my words will never pass away" A list of old testament quotes being quoted in the new testament -
CSE has a couple of great articles they released in which one I will link to here and one in another post. Comments are welcome. Enjoy the quick video if you don't have time to read the article.
The Gap Theory: Article & Video
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
The Church Of Oprah Winfrey
Some of you, if you follow any type of christian news radio, articles or podcast may have heard of what's going on in Oprah Winfrey land. There is a huge stir, especially from "true" believers and Christ followers in opposition of her teachings and those who influence her. In short, it seems there is an attempt to "reinvent" God and who He is. Normally I wouldn't be bothered or alarmed at such claims as this but I can't help but be concerned over it. We should be praying about this as most of us know Ohprah is a very powerful and influential person. It's no wonder the enemy would want to use her.
As Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer of the D.L. Moody Church in Chicago, Illinois states in his teaching against this blasphemous demonically inspired religion, Satan is using the same lie he used in the Garden "Ye shall be like God". The new world view teaches that you are god and that there is no need to "cling to that old rugged cross" This is a major contradiction in terms. It is the cross that sets us free! There you will find me sitting at the foot of it always remembering what Jesus did for me. He took my place, my punishment and my shame. All my sin was nailed to it! This is the gospel, the good news! Paul said "hate what is evil, cling to what is good"
All in all, these teachings alarm me greatly and I can't help but get a sense of the end times closing in on us. I'm reminded of scripture in 2 Timothy 4 where it says "For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear."
The Church Of Oprah
The Gospel According To Oprah’s Friends
Dr. Lutzer's Entire Message
As Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer of the D.L. Moody Church in Chicago, Illinois states in his teaching against this blasphemous demonically inspired religion, Satan is using the same lie he used in the Garden "Ye shall be like God". The new world view teaches that you are god and that there is no need to "cling to that old rugged cross" This is a major contradiction in terms. It is the cross that sets us free! There you will find me sitting at the foot of it always remembering what Jesus did for me. He took my place, my punishment and my shame. All my sin was nailed to it! This is the gospel, the good news! Paul said "hate what is evil, cling to what is good"
All in all, these teachings alarm me greatly and I can't help but get a sense of the end times closing in on us. I'm reminded of scripture in 2 Timothy 4 where it says "For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear."
The Church Of Oprah
The Gospel According To Oprah’s Friends
Dr. Lutzer's Entire Message
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