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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Are We Just Lucky Mud?

Hello Folks. I've enclosed a great short article by CSE (Creation Science Evangelism) on the obserdity of the evolutionary theory, but more importantly it's effects on those who dare to question it in an educational and occupational setting. I've read of many teachers and scientist who have been out right targeted by those they worked for. It would seem even after they were terminated or their funding was "no longer available" their employers went to great lengths to destroy their reputation and credibility making it difficult for them to gain employment elsewhere, let alone tenure. I keep asking myself over and over again what is it about questioning evolution and Darwinism that evolutionist cant stand so much and go extremely out of their way in defense of the theory? Why are they so defensive and headstrong to bring creationist down? Why not just disagree and leave it at that? On the way to work today I was listening to Ben Stein being interviewd on Focus on the Family. He stated the obvious and great point of "If there is an Intelligent Designer then maybe he will hold them accountable for their moral behavior" and that is something that an evolutionist or an atheist never wants to admit or consider. One of the best quotes I've heard an evolutionist say was by an oppenant of Dr. Kent Hovind's durring a creation vs evolutionism debate. He said "At the end of the day either God exist or he doesn't, both possibilities are frightening". For the one who doesn't beleive God exist, this should ring very true in their lives. As for the "Expelled" movie, I have emailed my pastor in regards to setting something up to ensure the movie gets it's deserving exposure in our area much like we did with the Passion of the Christ. I would like to encourage you guys to do the same at the churches you attend. If anyone needs any info on the movie just shoot me an email Enjoy the article.

Are We Just Lucky Mud?
Imagine pulling the lever of a slot machine and the only way to win is to hit the jackpot two hundred and fifty times in a row. The odds are against you. Yet, these are the same odds that would have to be overcome for the simplest life-form to evolve and form each of the two hundred and fifty proteins by random chance. It’s seemingly impossible.

Little was known about the complexities of a single cell when Darwin birthed his theory of evolution. Microscopes weren’t yet powerful enough to observe below the cellular level of life; and thus, the concept of a single cell was like that of a mud hut—very simple.

Today we are learning more and more about what it takes for life to form. Beyond the statistical improbabilities of evolution, we’ve learned that the single cell is not at all like a mud hut; but rather, more complex than a galaxy. In fact, for a dinosaur to evolve a single wing, all five systems in a cell would have to change identically at the same time—something that Darwin could never have imagined.

So, the complexities of the single cell quickly lead us beyond Darwin, or so that’s where research scientist Dr. Richard Sternberg thinks the evidence leads. Yet, when he gave credit to intelligent design in a Smithsonian science journal, he found himself the object of a massive campaign to smear his reputation. But Sternberg’s not the only one: multitudes of scientists who begin questioning Darwin’s theory of evolution are quickly “shut-up” by their employers, the media, the educational system, and even the courts.

Ben Stein, former Presidential speech writer, public speaker, and game show host sought to uncover why scientists are losing their jobs, can’t get tenure, or are denied publication in scientific journals when Darwinism is questioned. He quickly found that evolutionists would rather believe we are “nothing more than mud animated by lightning” than to believe humankind carries “the spark of the divine.” Disturbed by his findings, Stein is going on record with a major theater release, interviewing numbers of scientists who were openly ridiculed and ostracized for even suggesting intelligent design. The film, fittingly titled Expelled, is scheduled for a wide theater release in April.Creation Science Evangelism was recently given the opportunity to prescreen the film and believes it is a “must see.” Viewers will be stunned by the admissions of evolutionists whose strategies are focused solely on injecting Darwinian doctrine into everyday life. We’ve created a resource center at where you can find more information about the upcoming film, view trailers, download leaders’ guides, and win free tickets to see Expelled in your area.

Please do all you can to support this film and blow the whistle on the suppression of intelligent design and academic freedom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Evolutionists make an idol out of evolution, and it is like a faith for them, not a religious faith, but an anti-religious faith, and they are extremely militant about it. They have to be militant because they do not have logic on their side.

Why are they that way? I suppose many people believe what they want to believe, then invent reasons for believing it. If you challenge them too hard, you arouse hostility, because they are afraid of facing the consequences if they are wrong. I have always thought that many atheists are biased against God because deep down they do not want to acknowledge a God who has authority over their lives and a God they will have to face in a judgement for what they do.

I just went through an extended discussion at a pro-evolution blog ( Creationism defended and evolution attacked ) trying to show that evolution cannot be proved by science because science cannot look at both sides without bias, which is required for logical proof. Science tries to prove that evolution is possible, but that is not sufficient if you want to prove that it definitely happened. To do that, you have to show that creation is impossible.

But science cannot do that because the scientific method does not allow consideration of supernatural causes. So science has a built in bias against the supernatural. The way it is set up, it has to accept evolution because it cannot consider any other alternative. Evolution is the only side it even looks at.

It is amazing the silly things evolutionists say when you back them into a corner with logic. But they also get very hostile sometimes.

I sympathize with any scientist who tries to buck this crowd.