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Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Evolution - A Fairy Tale For Grownups
Evolution - A Fairy Tale For Grownups
From the Living Waters Website -
101 questions to shake believer's blind faith in the theory From the Introduction: "I don't claim to be a great expert on the subject of evolution, but I have quoted well-known evolutionists, who reveal in their own words, the unscientific nature of that in which they have so blindly placed their faith.""So it's now up to you to make a choice as to whether you are a believer or not, and then to follow the implications. When you read this book, keep in mind the wise words of Richard Dawkins: 'And, next time somebody tells you that something is true, why not say to them: 'What kind of evidence is there for that?' And if they can't give you a good answer, I hope you'll think very carefully before you believe a word they say.'""I would rather believe in fairy tales than in such wild speculation." - Ernst Chain, Nobel Prize winner
"The Darwinian theory of evolution is no more nor less than the great cosmogenic myth of the twentieth century." - Michael Denton, Molecular Biologist
"Darwin's evolutionary explanation of the origins of man has been transformed into a modern myth, to the detriment of scientific and social progress." - Dr. Colin Patterson, Senior
Paleontologist Philosopher Malcolm Muggeridge warned that evolution will be "one of the great jokes in the history books of the future." Millions are convinced that the theory of evolution is a proven scientific fact, which is a sad testimony to human ignorance and naivety. Hopefully, you will "think very carefully" after hearing evidence from leading evolutionists and scientists, as they reveal the baseless and unscientific nature of the theory of evolution.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Quote Of The Day
"When it comes to the origin of life on this earth, there are only two possibilities: creation or spontaneous generation (evolution). There is no third way. Spontaneous generation was disproved 100 years ago, but that leads us only to one other conclusion: that of supernatural creation. We cannot accept that on philosophical grounds (personal reasons); therefore, we choose to believe the impossible: that life arose spontaneously by chance."
- George Wald, winner of the 1967 Nobel Peace Prize in Science, in Lindsay, Dennis, "The Dinosaur Dilemma," Christ for the Nations, Vol. 35, No. 8, November 1982, pp. 4-5, 14.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Are We Just Lucky Mud?
Are We Just Lucky Mud?
Imagine pulling the lever of a slot machine and the only way to win is to hit the jackpot two hundred and fifty times in a row. The odds are against you. Yet, these are the same odds that would have to be overcome for the simplest life-form to evolve and form each of the two hundred and fifty proteins by random chance. It’s seemingly impossible.
Little was known about the complexities of a single cell when Darwin birthed his theory of evolution. Microscopes weren’t yet powerful enough to observe below the cellular level of life; and thus, the concept of a single cell was like that of a mud hut—very simple.
Today we are learning more and more about what it takes for life to form. Beyond the statistical improbabilities of evolution, we’ve learned that the single cell is not at all like a mud hut; but rather, more complex than a galaxy. In fact, for a dinosaur to evolve a single wing, all five systems in a cell would have to change identically at the same time—something that Darwin could never have imagined.
So, the complexities of the single cell quickly lead us beyond Darwin, or so that’s where research scientist Dr. Richard Sternberg thinks the evidence leads. Yet, when he gave credit to intelligent design in a Smithsonian science journal, he found himself the object of a massive campaign to smear his reputation. But Sternberg’s not the only one: multitudes of scientists who begin questioning Darwin’s theory of evolution are quickly “shut-up” by their employers, the media, the educational system, and even the courts.
Ben Stein, former Presidential speech writer, public speaker, and game show host sought to uncover why scientists are losing their jobs, can’t get tenure, or are denied publication in scientific journals when Darwinism is questioned. He quickly found that evolutionists would rather believe we are “nothing more than mud animated by lightning” than to believe humankind carries “the spark of the divine.” Disturbed by his findings, Stein is going on record with a major theater release, interviewing numbers of scientists who were openly ridiculed and ostracized for even suggesting intelligent design. The film, fittingly titled Expelled, is scheduled for a wide theater release in April.Creation Science Evangelism was recently given the opportunity to prescreen the film and believes it is a “must see.” Viewers will be stunned by the admissions of evolutionists whose strategies are focused solely on injecting Darwinian doctrine into everyday life. We’ve created a resource center at where you can find more information about the upcoming film, view trailers, download leaders’ guides, and win free tickets to see Expelled in your area.
Please do all you can to support this film and blow the whistle on the suppression of intelligent design and academic freedom.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
My Trip to Texas - Ancient Treasures Museum
- The inscription stone from "UR", the city of Abraham
- The Egyptian collection dating to 3,250 BC
- Weapons from the time of Joshua
- Ivory from Queen Jezebel's palace
- Artifacts from the City of David
- The inscription brick of Nebuchadnezzar
- The coin collection from the Hasmonean period
- The 10th Roman Legion brick
- Ossuaries of the first century
- The Masada excavation collection
The tour is a self guided tour and thank goodness, because I took a lot of pictures (See below) In addition as you are taking the tour I received a pamphlet with numbered paragraphs in it. Each number preceding the paragraph coincided with a number at various exhibits. So where there was a number on a scene say of Moses crossing the parted Red Sea, one only had to look up the number in the pamphlet and it gave a detailed description of the scene along with the chapter and verse of where it is in the bible. It explained various artifacts and people in scripture as well, such as Flavius Josephus, who we know was a 1st-century Jewish historian who corroborated many things in the bible (Picture below sitting at a table writing with hand on head) I found the pamphlet very useful as I came across some artifacts that I knew nothing about. One such artifact would have been a sword used in Joshua's day (see picture below) along with an axe. If you looked up #16 you could read:
16 - From Joshua 11:12 - "Joshua took all these royal cities and their kings and put them to the sword. He totally destroyed them, as Moses the servant of the Lord had commanded." Similar to the local pottery, the weapons used at this time basically did not change much over many years either - until the discovery of gunpowder. They included superior bronze weapons, such as curved swords and ceremonial axe-heads - like this one in the shape of an open hand with outstretched fingers.
And after the tour was over I got to sit and watch a seven minute 3-dimensional film shot from Israel. It was incredible. I loved every minute of it.
But that's not all! The best part was after exiting the museum I was able to go across the hall to the Ancient Treasures gift shop where I got a whopping 40% off everything! There were all kinds of books, videos and hand made items imported from Israel. I wound up buying a new bible for my collection. I purchased the Archaeological Study Bible - so far this bible has been a real blessing to me. I'm getting a literal "Illustrated walk through biblical history and culture" as the bible cover so accurately states. This thing is huge and full of beautiful colored photographs of various things such as lands, homes, artifacts from biblical times, clothing and great iconic structures of that time such as Alexandria and Athens. This bible will definitely prove to be a useful study tool to me. It also comes with a software CD containing NIV text and all photographs, maps, and charts included in the Bible. I first heard of it when my brother in law purchased it. Ever since then I have been interested in getting my hands it. It was as though the father said "son, I have a gift for you" Thank you Father. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in it.
I also wanted to take the time to thank Alicia who headed up the Ancient Treasures gift shop. From the moment I started talking to her our conversation was blessed by the Lord. She truly refreshed my spirit that day. She was a wonderful spiritual mother in the faith to me and I felt as though I knew her for years. She truly had a passion for the Lord and the spirit of God was clearly guiding her words of faith and instruction as she spoke and shared much with me. Had we have had another five minutes I'm positive she would have prophesied over me right there in the store :) Thank you Alicia for the wonderful conversation, the refreshing of my spirit, and the 40% off! I pray that God would bless both Cary and Alicia as they continue to follow His will. Thank you guys for a great time while I was in Plano. I learned a great deal and hope one day you come close enough to us in PA so my family & friends can attend and be blessed by the museum as well.
Pictures from The Ancient Treasures Museum - Click To Enlarge
Great Reviews For "Expelled"