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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Movie Trailer - "Expelled" Starring Ben Stein

I cannot wait for this movie to come out! Some of you may have seen the preview for this movie on television before. The link below will take you to the direct site. I think what Ben Stein is doing is not only bold and great but will benefit and impact many who struggle with the age old questions - "Who am I?" "Where did I come from?" and "What is the meaning of life?". All while stumping scientist who refuse to acknowledge design in the universe. There are even some evolutionist in the movie who say that it (the universe, life etc..) could have been designed but would never in a "million" years accredit it to God. They wold rather believe that life from other planets planted it here.

I remember when I became a christian and first came across the "Intelligent Design" argument. I was blown away. I was thanking God for bold scientist who were taking a stand and providing answers to Christians for their faith. I remember feeling so relieved that true science and God where not polar opposites. One of the worst things I think a professing christian can do when asked why he/she believes something or why he/she follows Jesus etc... is to answer "I don't know......I just do..........I do it by faith" Though we do follow Christ by faith, for scripture says it's impossible to please God without faith (Heb 11:6) also remember that 1st Peter 3:15 says we should also have an answer for these people.

Check out the main trailer here and some other trailers for the movie as well. There are also some other goodies on the site so take a look and let me know what you think:

The movie uses this quote and I love it - "Big science has expelled smart new ideas from the classroom. What they forgot is that every generation has it's rebel"

Reviews on the movie by Joseph Farah:

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