Long story short it was a rough remainder for Liz's term. We had many many doctors appointments and echo's. We were encouraged a few times to have an abortion since we wouldn't know the condition of the baby and could be doing more harm than good for "it" as the doctors say. As Christians this was a no brainer, we were ready to trust the Father from there on out, and believe me, our trust was rightly placed. All we did was hold on to the promises of God and he remained faithful, for he cannot disown (or lie to) himself (2 Tim 2:13). Once He makes a promise he is faithful to keep and follow through with it.
Liz and I truly want to thank our family and friends for their support. We would have never of made it if it were not for your help. I am truly proud of my church New Covenant Christian Community Center located at 21 E. Broad St in Bethlehem, PA 18015 with services on Saturday night from 6-8pm and on Sunday mornings from 10am-12am day care provided :) Hahahaha, sorry I had to add that little advertisement. All kidding aside New Covenant is our home and we are truly proud to worship with them. Liz and I continue to pray and look for opportunities to bless others the same way we were blessed. We feel so immensely compelled by the Father to do so, and it is certainly our pleasure as well. This is truly what the body of Christ is all about. As some of our friends who go to CHOP (Children's Hospital Of Philadelphia) know, it can be very expensive to go on a daily basis. There are tolls, gas, food, parking etc.... and Liz and I were driving down there daily not to mention the cost of my mothers funeral. It was a huge financial strain. We continued to trust in the Lord and as before had no reason to doubt his providence. People would come up to us at church and stick envelopes of money in my pocket. On more than one occasion individuals would give us several hundred dollar bills without even thinking twice about it. Others cooked great meals to feed the many people who stayed in our home during the time of the funeral. And several times our wallets were lined with Wawa cards for gas and food. The list goes on and on, and believe me, Liz and I have not forgotten about any of them. We thank you so much. It's God's people being obedient and taking action rather than just sitting back and thinking how tragic it all was but doing nothing about it. As the saying goes. "God is good all the time! And all the time God is good!" And as David said in the Psalms: "............yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread."
We look forward to seeing many of you at Everly's party. We are truly grateful that this year we get to spend it at home. Last year we spent many holidays such as Fathers day, our Wedding Anniversary and who can forget that we spent Everly's first birthday in the hospital. Even then God provided. Many came to visit and the nurses and doctors provided cake and gifts for Everly. There is nothing our father hasn't done for us and nothing He won't continue to do for us as we continue to trust in Him the way children trust in their parents to provide for them. As the scripture says "He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?" (Rom 8:32)
Again, thank you all. We have incorporated some pictures of our family for you to enjoy. Comments are always welcome. And since this is but a brief overview of the past two years, if anyone wants to know Everly's whole story you can see my posting here: http://jsirianni7.blogspot.com/2007/10/everlys-story.html#c948541950202143316
Liz and I would like to especially thank My mother and father in-law John & Graciette Domingues and John and Janet Callahan who are the closest thing I have to a mother and father on my side of the family. If I were to begin to explain all the ways these individuals have been there for us, I could honestly produce a small book. Liz and I along with Tyler and Everly Love you guys more than you will ever know.
Joe & Liz Sirianni
Family Pics - Click on picture to enlarge

1 comment:
Happy Birthday Everly!!!!!!!!!! So grateful to God for how well you are doing. You are such a blessing and encouragement to me!!!!!
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