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Friday, December 28, 2007

Did Dinosaurs and Man Live At The Same Time?

One of my favorite things to read about in all the creation vs evolutionism books and debates I follow is the intriguing subject of Dinosaurs. Did dinosaurs and man coexist? Or are they 65 million years older than us? I must admit, growing up I too believed Dino's were millions of years old simply because this is what was taught to me in school. Our culture has been so branded on the fact that Dino's are millions of years old that no one even bothers to dare question it. My own wife looked at me funny when I told her that they were not that old and there may even be some smaller dinosaurs in remote parts of the world (this comes from dino and dragon legends all over the world) I find it astonishing that in text books you will read that this is fact and at the same time you hear nothing about geological finds which disprove this fairy tale of millions of years old. Did you know that there is much evidence that Dino's are not millions of years old? Did you know that we find human foot prints in the same layer beds as dinosaurs? Did you know we have found dinosaur bones that have not been fossilized and still have red blood cells present? Did you know that there are drawings of dinosaurs by people in caves and on stones long before we even discovered Dino bones? And there pictures were extremely accurate. This can only be possible if they have actually saw them with their own eyes. And how about Bishop Bell’s brass behemoths? A tomb of Bishop Richard Bell in the 1400's in which the brass had Dinosaurs engraved on it;

"Bishop Bell’s tomb shows the clear signs of heavy wear and tear after several centuries of shuffling feet. Skeletons of dinosaurs have been accurately reconstructed only in the last 100 years or so. Prior to this, scientists classifying these reptiles incorrectly pieced together their bones making the first artistic representations wildly inaccurate. It seems highly improbable that an artist in the 15th century accurately portrayed a creature which he had never seen. Rather, it is more likely that these renditions were all creatures which had been observed. Clearly, the only reason modern researchers would fail to identify them as dinosaurs is their antibiblical bias that humans and dinosaurs did not co-exist." - AiG

Why are these facts and finds not making it into secular science books? I would like to suggest the reason is because if such finds are published, what will this say about most secular scientist today? Most likely it will say that they were wrong and therefore their data cannot be trusted. I have wanted to do a post on Dinosaurs for a while but couldn't find the time. In a future post I will do a more in dept study on the topic. I have a lot of great info and resources for everyone looking to defend their faith in this area. Did you know the scriptures talk about Dinosaurs? They are God's creation also and the Lord mentions them in his word. I would also like, in a future blog to go more in depth on the various dating methods and why often dinosaurs are dated so old? These dates are based largely on many assumptions and in conjunction with the Geologic column, which doesn't exist and was made by man. Why is it that when a dinosaur bone is brought for dating the scientist dating them asks "what is it?" When people have mentioned "this is a dinosaur bone" they automatically say they can't use a certain method to date it because it's too old. They are making a major assumption right off the bat. In contrast, when someone has brought in a dinosaur bone and has not revealed what the bone is or where it is from the date often comes out to be thousands of years old not millions. In addition, why has various animal parts submitted for carbon dating and other methods come with one part of the animal extremely older than another part? Or why is it that live shells come out to be 26,000 years old? It's because Carbon dating is inaccurate. But we will get into that in another posting. For now I want to share with you a good site which shows the various trails in which Dino tracks and human tracks are found together. I would like to hear the evolutionists explain this away! This proves that Dinosaurs are not millions of years. The site is a little bland and cheesy but the info is accurate and one of the sites in which I could find a variety of data I was looking for all in one place. There are hundreds of sites from creationist and millions of books to read on the subjects. Science and the Bible are not in conflict folks, but rather they compliment each other.

Ken Ham - Dinosaurs in the Bible

Evidence that Dinosaurs and Humans co-existed

This is a great site - I urge you to explore it. There are also Dinosaur art in which people drew long before we discovered dinosaurs even existed.


Chris Engler said...

Joe - I think that the book of Job has a good example of a dinosaur being mentioned in the bible. - Chris <><

Joe Sirianni said...

Yes you are right indeed. It mentions "Behemoth" (maybe a Brachiosaurus?) and "Leviathan". The old testament also mentions "Dragons" which would be what they called many of the dinosaurs in that time. (The word diosaur wasn't invented til 1841 - means terrible lizard)I could go all day on the subject. I have heard so many podcast and read so many articles for the overwhelming evidence of dino's in the bible and sightings and legends of more not too far in the distant past. Here's some more stuff for you if you ever get the chance to read it.

Anonymous said...

"Skeletons of ten perfectly modern humans"
were found together with dinosaurs doesn't necessary mean that these "modern
humans" ever lived together with those dinosaurs. To prove the point, you
must show that the Skeletons are fossilized in around the same era.
This is just like putting some dinosaur fossils under the base of a 100
years old building and then claimed that dinosaurs lived in 100 years ago.

Just wanna know how you would explain this?

Anonymous said...

"Skeletons of ten perfectly modern humans"
were found together with dinosaurs doesn't necessary mean that these "modern
humans" ever lived together with those dinosaurs. To prove the point, you
must show that the Skeletons are fossilized in around the same era.
This is just like putting some dinosaur fossils under the base of a 100
years old building and then claimed that dinosaurs lived in 100 years ago.

Just wanna know how you would explain this?

Anonymous said...

#"Malachite man" is quite simply a hoax. It was buried 15 feet deep rather
than 58, was found in soft sand rather than hard sandstone, the bones are
completely dissimilar to nearby dinosaur bones in composition (the dinosaur
bones are fossilized, whereas the human bones are not, indicating they were
not buried anywhere near the same time) and radiometric dating puts the
skeleton at around 200 years old.

Do you have any comments on this?