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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Proving The Existence Of A Designer With Math And Physics

I came across some videos that shed some good light on this intense debate about the origins of life.  Enjoy, and I pray they enlighten the senses so that you realize that it's ok to go where the data leads you.  God is a good God, and he has made this world in a way so that we can understand it as well as himself.  We have rational minds to comprehend all of this data.  If the world was a product of evolution then we would expect to see irrationality and chaos all over.  However, the contrary stands.  We see order, rationality and we can understand the information being portrayed in all that we see.  God is not a puppeteer playing games with you so that you have to figure it all out.  He has revealed himself in the scriptures and is at the door knocking now waiting patiently for you to open it and let him in.  He says "I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation" (2 Cor 6:2)

Physics Prove The Existence of God (On A Razor's Edge)

Mathematical proof for Intelligent Design